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Read: John 14:16; Acts 5:1-4; Ephesians 4:30-32

Who did God the Father and God the Son send to us to help us in life? Is this third member of the Trinity, energy from God or a person? Why do you believe it? How can we grieve the Holy Spirit? What is the role of the Holy Spirit in your life as a believer? Are you on good terms with Him right now? Ask Him to help you be holy as God is holy.

Read: John 1:1-3, 14; Hebrews 1:3; John 14:1-4

About whom is this text speaking? What does it mean to call Jesus the Word? When did the Word begin? What does the Word have to do with the creation? What does the Word have to do with you? Following Christ holds a promise. What is it? What is the Word doing at God’s right hand today? Thank Him today for your secure future.

Read: John 10:30-33; Colossians 1:15-17; Hebrews 1:1-2

When you think of God, often you think of God the Father. “Our Father, who art in Heaven. Hallowed by Thy Name . . .” But what evidence is there that Jesus is also equally a part of the Godhead? Was Jesus really saying that He is God? What evidence is there in this text? Stoning a person was a serious thing. Not done lightly, even by the religious leaders in the day of Jesus. Think about the concept of Fatherhood. What is necessary to be a father? If God is the Eternal Father, what would have to be true about His Son? Since eternal has no beginning or end, then both the Father and Son have no beginning or end. Listen carefully to the teachings of God the Father and Son.

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