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Moving Forward- Digging Deeper: May 18, 2021

Psalm 69:1-36

What sort of persecution was the psalmist enduring? What does persecution do to a person? What do the persecuted feel like? Have you ever felt this in your own life because you were a Christian? Why does it sometimes feel like there is no help coming? Where is God in such times? Sometimes when everything goes wrong we feel that there might be sin in our lives and this is God’s punishment. How did the psalmist deal with the areas of his life that might have been sin? How are you praying about your sin? Was the psalmist an evil man just getting what he deserved? When God answers, what drives the answer (vs. 16)? Vs. 21 shows that this is a Messianic psalm that foretold the death of the Savior. What hope does this have for you? Why is it good for God to answer the cries of the righteous when persecuted for righteousness?

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