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1 Kings 10:1-10, 13; Matthew 12:42

Sometimes great wealth and fame can be a great burden. Who was the Queen in our story? Why was it remarkable that she traveled thousands of miles to visit the King of Israel? What did she discover about him that was different from other rulers? How was she given a second chance from the suffocation of great wealth and power? What conclusions did she come to from all she saw and heard? How do we see that she was changed forever by this visit? Do you think that this visit led her to God? What do you consider from her to be an example for you to follow if you are caught in your own wealth or importance?

Digging Deeper this week is talking about the God of second chances. Paul was unwilling to give Mark a second chance for some time. But God was willing. Second chances have to do with God’s grace at work in our lives when we have failed. What second chance do you need from God in your life?

Genesis 18:1-15; Genesis 21:1-13; Ephesians 5:22-23; Hebrews 11:11; 1 Peter 3:6

Why is Sarah’s name mentioned among the list of faith heroes in Hebrews 11? Where did she falter in her faith walk? How did God give a second chance? How did God show grace to Sarah? Which experiences in Sarah’s life gave her faith a chance to grow? How does Sarah’s story impact you personally?

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