God is looking for Church men and women who are mature and gifted to teach to train up the next generation of disciples. This week we dig more deeply into what that looks like.
READ: 2 Timothy 2:15 ; Colossians 1:28-29
Does a person have to have a teaching degree to be used of God? What does 2 Timothy 2:15 say? Why might it not be a good idea for a new Christian to teach in Church? In other words, what does a person need to know to be a teacher of the Word? What should our goal be in teaching? What should we be doing to bring people to maturity? Dr. Howard Hendricks, used to say, “You cannot impart what you do not possess!” If you’re not making a concerted effort to grow in Christ, then you can’t help someone else in that process. Today, ask God to help you grow to spiritual maturity.