(Read Judges 5:5-9)
Historically, there is an association of donkeys and /or mules with rule and kingship. Go back and read Judges 4 about Deborah. In this passage, Deborah was a prophetess and the leader (judge) of Israel, before they had any kings on the throne. What did she tell the military commander Barak to do? (Judges 4:6-7). What was his response (vs. 8-10)? Why was this a disappointment to her? What does Judges 5:1-10 say about her view of godly leadership? As a judge it is important that she was a leader. In vs. 9 and 10 what was the transportation of the leader? Whose heart is with those who lead well? How about you? Are you a leader ‘riding a white donkey’, a symbol of peaceful, willing leadership?