Read: Zechariah 14; Revelation 11:15-18; 17:14; 19:11-21; Luke 12
Scripture refers to the Lord when He returns ruling with an iron scepter. What imagery comes to mind with those two words? Who holds a scepter? A king holding a scepter signifies that he is ruling on his throne. This scepter is not gold or silver. What is different about iron from soft gold or silver metal? What does it mean in war when an army has iron weapons? When you hear someone rules with an iron fist the imagery is strength and no-nonsense. Do not step out of line. So what does it mean that Jesus will rule the world with an iron scepter? How many in the world will die during the wrath of God? According to Luke 12, as believers how should we be responding to the breakdown of society all around us? Know that as you seek to do God’s work – of using your resources and your jobs and your homes as places to bring others to God, then all that you need in life will be added to you. How can you store up spiritual wealth? Today ask God for more disciples to mentor.