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Read: 2 Corinthians 3:5-18

From where will your competence to disciple others come from? How is a relationship with Christ and being indwelled by the Holy Spirit different from following the Ten Commandments? Why is it so much better to be under the grace of Christ than the Law of the Old Testament? What removes the veil of death? What promise is given to those who believe in Jesus Christ? Thank Christ right now for His transforming power over you. Ask Him again to change you so that you will be completely useful to Him.

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Read: Romans 12:1-2

Yesterday we learned that it is only by mercy that we have any ministry. What does that mean in light of this text? Because it is not up to our expertise that allows us to serve Him, what are we to do to become useful vessels? What if you really want to do something. Can you demand that of God? What if He places you somewhere that you really don’t want? What are you to do then? Today, give God permission to transform your mind and life into the vessel that He has need of right now.

Read: 2 Corinthians 4:1-7

What is true of this world? What does it mean that the Gospel is veiled? How are you to counteract our sinful age? How is it that you can have any ministry at all? How will you have an impact that is different from others who are out there? What does it mean to go beyond preaching Jesus as Savior to preaching Jesus as Lord (vs. 5)? What are the cracks in your pot? Is Christ being seen from inside that cracked pot life of yours? Ask God to use your flaws for His glory.

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