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Read: 2 Kings 6:8-23

What was the problem with Israel at this time? Why was the King of Aram unable to ambush the Israelites? What did the King of Aram do to kill Elisha? Why should that have been sufficient? Why wasn’t it? What did Elisha do to settle the fears of his servant when they were totally surrounded? What did God do? Ask God to give you spiritual eyes to see the abundance of assistance to help you in the overwhelming odds of your struggles.

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Read: Jonah 1 & 2

Jonah was a prophet. What is the role of a prophet in God’s Kingdom? What had God told Jonah to do? What was God sovereignly hoping for as Jonah gave the message? What name does Jonah give to God when describing his God to the others on the boat of disobedience? How did this Almighty God respond to Jonah’s disobedience? Is He all-powerful? Jonah could have very easily drowned and that would have been that. But how did God sustain and rescue him? Why did God do that? Have you found yourself in a boat of disobedience in a sea of distress? Return to God. Ask Him to restore you to His favor.

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God’s sovereignty means God making His own plans and carrying them out. God’s sovereignty in the midst of life’s struggles is a great comfort. This week we will dig deeper into how God intervenes in our lives when all seems to be lost.

Read: Acts 23

Why would Paul have considered that his life was in danger and the goal lost? Was there anything that he could have done differently and still had the opportunity to share the Gospel to the highest levels of Rome? How did God’s sovereignty play into this story? Why do you think that Paul’s nephew was able to be in the right place at the right time? What sort of control of the situation did God take to make sure that His will was done? Has your life taken a turn for the worse? What place are you giving to God to come and turn the situation around for good?

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