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Philippians 4:8-20; Hebrews 13:5-6

What struggles did Paul face in this passage of Philippians? Why did Paul never go without? What does Hebrews say about our needs? If that is true, then on what are we to occupy our energies? How should we react toward those who are not noble, right, pure or praiseworthy? Are you giving the time that God asks of you to serve him, or are you caught up with too much working for the things of this earth? Choose carefully to become a fragrant offering to the Lord.

Exodus 3:1-15; Philippians 2:12-13 What was God’s work for Moses? Why was he afraid to the point of being unwilling? Could Moses have accomplished this task on his own? What did God say to him to let him know that it would be all right in the end? What should our response be to the impossible jobs that God has for us to do, when no one might appreciate what we are doing? Why can we do great things for the Lord? Today step up to your burning bush!

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Serving God when it is hard or unappreciated by others is very difficult. This week we will dig deeper into faithful commitment to the Lord when persecution and mocking follows. When do we call it quits?

Acts 17:5-15; 21:28-29

Why did these Jews react so strongly to Paul’s teaching? What were they afraid of with Paul? What were they hoping to accomplish by discrediting Paul? What should our response be when we hear a bad report about someone who is serving Christ? Today pray for a Christian leader. Know that you are strengthening them by praying for them.

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