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Read: Exodus 20:1-6

There is one LORD! What does God remind the Israelites of the power He has over their lives? Is that good enough to follow Him alone? What is the punishment promised if they turn away to other gods? What about Israel today? Are they blessed generation after generation? What about your life? This same God will deliver you as well, when you follow Him as the LORD your God. Seek God’s blessing, for you and your future.

Read: Romans 1:18-20; Genesis 1:31

How does a person get to know about God? Why does nature prove the existence of God? What does nature tell you about God? What sort of God is He? What sort of power does He have? What is true of a person who ignores the Creator? Reflect on the absence of God from our schools and other government areas. Is there any wonder that our culture is heading down a slippery slope of immorality and condemnation? Pray for your family. Pray for your nation.

The Triune God is not a three-headed god or three separate gods. It is One God, with three Persons, each eternally existing, and working in union with distinct roles. Matthew 3:16-17 shows all three members together. The best human minds cannot fully grasp the meaning of a Triune God working in unity with itself. But this week we will dig deeper into the meaning to receive the benefit of the Trinity.

Read: Deuteronomy 6:1-7

What does the Bible teach you about God? How many Gods are there? Why do you think that the statement about God is couched in the rest of this teaching about following the teachings of God? Here’s a hint: Are you following the teachings or worldview of anything that is contrary to God and His teaching? What is the threat in that? Today, commit yourself to God and God alone. Give hope for yourself and your family.

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