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Read: Ephesians 4:30

How can a Christ-follower grieve the Holy Spirit? What sort of lifestyle brings sorrow to the Lord? Christian, the Lord owns you. He will restore your broken life if you ask Him to. But it requires repentance, a sorrowful confession of your sin, and then turning away from any sin. If you need help in this, seek it out. Make an appointment with your pastor or a Christian counselor.

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Read: 2 Corinthians 11:25

You don’t need to be stranded on a deserted island to be shipwrecked and desolate. What sort of sin can ruin a life? From poor life choices and outright sin, you can be shipwrecked on dry land just as well as in an ocean storm. The Greek word for shipwreck is ‘Enauagesan. This word is compounded from two Greek words naus, “a ship,” andagnumi, a verb which means “to break apart.” What was true of Paul in this passage? Was he the cause of a ruined life? Life storms with strong undercurrents are part of life and will upend your even keel. Realizing that every Christian has to fight for moral high ground pray about your moral compass. Is there anything you need to toss overboard to stay right with the Lord?

Paul found himself shipwrecked. For him, it was not of his own doing but those around him did not listen to God and he was swept up in the aftermath. For others, we sure can make a mess of things. This week, let's look at what to do when our life and faith are shipwrecked.

Read: 1 Timothy 1:18-19

What did Paul warn Timothy about? What was Timothy’s possible temptation? Think about a Christ follower’s good fight. What do you think it means to hold onto your faith? What causes you to let go of faith and your Christ-like conscience? Why did Paul use the metaphor of a shipwreck? What happens to people who are shipwrecked? Today, reconfirm your allegiance to Christ. Set your anchor in the solid rock – Jesus Christ.

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