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Nehemiah 2:1-9

What might happen to the vision if you wait? What does it mean if a strong vision seems to fade over time? What does it mean if the passion grows stronger over time? What happened to Nehemiah’s vision? How did God supply His needs? What might happen to you when you wait upon the Lord in fasting and prayer over a situation? What happened to Nehemiah over the months that he fasted and prayed? Are you prepared today to step into some area of concern to make a difference in that area? Why or why not? What has to happen before you would be able to step up to fulfilling God’s vision for you?

God changed the brusque, abrupt zealot Saul, transforming him into Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles. That was God’s vision for this man. What is God’s vision for you? This week Digging Deeper looks at God’s plan for your life.

Nehemiah 1:1-11

We all have boundaries that prevent us from moving beyond the norm. But God is never bound by the norm. Vision requires an individual to be courageous enough to move outside the boundaries. What was the great concern that led Nehemiah to move outside his boundaries? What was his boundary preventing him from doing anything about this condition? Why was this concern different than others that he might have heard about? What did he do about the condition of Jerusalem in this text? What does that tell you about vision versus action? What should you do with your concerns about life, church or ministry?

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Psalm 119:25-32; Ephesians 6:18

What does God think of you using your Bible as a part of your prayer life? What benefit does the Bible have in our praying? What will the Bible do when we read it prayerfully? Today, ask God to enlarge your heart through prayer. Pray that He will give you an understanding of what to pray for as you meditate on His Word.

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